Tennis and cars represent the sweet spots in my life and here is my journey incorporating the two.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Happy New Year!!!

I know you all are thinking – Happy New Year??!…Ahhhh, hello – we haven't even celebrated Thanksgiving and Christmas. I know there are a couple of big holidays left to celebrate in 2009, but tomorrow I'm celebrating the start of my "Personal New Year". For me, tomorrow is New Year's Day.

My last personal year wasn't the best, and that's really putting it mildly. I had more personal catastrophes and disasters to occur over the course of 365 days, than I choose to recount. Overall, it was a rough and tumble year for me, I was living the "hard knock life", and it seemed as if Murphy's Law was in effect nonstop. I take full responsibility for breaking a mirror during the year, but that was sometime after the onslaught of personal hiccups and miscues. Regardless, I've never bought into superstitions about breaking mirrors, splitting poles, etc. Unfortunately, this just hasn't been the most shining period in my life, and honestly the last period even remotely close to matching up was 15 years ago. When I look back, that period 15 years ago was a transition period for me. My collegiate years were coming to a close; my friends were graduating and headed in many different directions; I was trying to find my fit in the professional world; a car replacement loomed; finances were tight, and I was reliant upon others for some of life's basic necessities. My personal situation 15 years ago, while not exactly the same, looks very similar to my current situation.

Just as it was 15 years ago, this is a season of change for me. I could consider my current situation to be a setback, but instead I prefer to view it as a setup for my comeback. Fifteen years ago, I started my adult life with pretty much nothing, and now 15 years later, I have only slightly more than I did then. Back then, I took it one day at a time, and one goal at a time. I'm all set to get rolling with a fresh, new attitude and approach towards building a fully satisfying and complete life that will exceed what I built for myself 15 years ago. November 9th, 2009 marks the start of my "New Year", and I'm looking forward to achieving and experiencing so many new and positive things.

Happy New Year, All!!


joanofalltrades said...

Great concept! Happy New Year! Happy Belated Birthday!

CG said...

Good on you for your move forward! I know there is nothing but greatness ahead of you!

K. Williams said...

Hey Girl... so love reading your blogs. I am glad you started doing them again. You are such a talented writer and you keep me interested in everything you have to say. BTW, love the New Year's concept. Hell, I feel like this past Saturday was the birth of my "new year".... so here's to better things to come. Looking forward to seeing you around Christmas. Love ya!