Tennis and cars represent the sweet spots in my life and here is my journey incorporating the two.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

An Alternative Source

The call for a replacement vehicle beckons, but must be ignored. While I'd love and prefer a new car, it is a far-fetched idea. A more reasonable compromise is a used car. Although it is more a more feasible option, I typically purchase new vehicles. During a breather from the waiting area, I stepped outside for some fresh air and noticed there were several vehicles parked in the lot that appeared to be for sale. I counted at least three vehicles (all lacking license plates) located throughout the lot that obviously weren't there for service work.

Of all the cars on the lot the burgundy Lexus stood out, it was an older model LS sedan with a clean interior and only a few body dings. I have patronized my repair shop for years, and throughout that time countless vehicles have been parked in Jeff's lot by his customers and friends to accelerate their efforts to sale them. Many times, Jeff's shop has handled all of the service work on the vehicles and he willingly answers any questions about them. I stepped back in to inquire with Jeff, the shop owner, about the car and he gave me a little information about the Lexus. According to the Jeff, the car belonged to a customer who was ready to sell it. While I didn't get all the details on the vehicle, and I didn't drive it, Jeff was able to tell me it was in good condition and valued at $3500, but the owner had priced it for sale at $3100. He then went on to say the gentleman who sold the vehicle was so ready to sell it that he had taken an offer of $2500 just a few days earlier.

Most of Jeff's customers (including me) are women and we are longstanding, repeat customers. While I can't speak for Jeff's other customers, I can attest to the fact that I've never had to take my car back to his shop for the same problem and he doesn't try to sell me parts and services that are not necessary. As a matter of fact, he won't. I once tried to get him to replace both of my headlights because I wanted them to glow at the same brightness and he flat out refused because he said the other one worked just fine. Additionally, he's always giving me breaks on parts or freebies. I think he gave me 4 sets of wiper blades in one year because I refused to replace the windshield that was damaging them. The short of all this – I trust him. Since I am a woman who hates being played for a patsy, I need a used car from a source I can trust. Buying a car that has been serviced by my repair shop is a great option. I've never seriously thought about it because I've never needed a vehicle. With the need for a vehicle and limitations on cash for a purchase, alternatives must be considered. Just because a car is at a repair shop doesn't mean it's ready for the junkyard. Who knows Jeff just might have the right car at the right time, priced just right.

1 comment:

CG said...

Go Jeff! Here's to the right car showing up one day! It's good to know that there are some mechanics out there that will not try to pimp you just because you wear a skirt!