Tennis and cars represent the sweet spots in my life and here is my journey incorporating the two.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Next Top Models

When I started playing tennis I didn't own a stitch of tennis apparel - no cute skirts, no court shoes, or compression shorts. I only owned a racquet. Well, more than two years have passed and I've more than made up for that wardrobe deficiency. Normally, I've taken a willy nilly approach that involved rummaging through Ross, TJ Maxx or Filene's Basement's sales and clearance racks. Whatever they had for the low-low has been subject to end up in my wardrobe. By shopping in discount stores, I've acquired quite an extensive collection of tennis attire and tennis gear, but you can never have too much (at least, not as far as I'm concerned). Recently, I elevated my game and started purchasing matching sets. I've decided, if I'm going to play with the top dogs, then I have to dress like the top dogs. To do this, it's essential that I not only be able to play well, but I also have to look fashionable and coordinated while I'm on the court. I've always have a tennis wish list (in my mind) and it's mostly Adidas but, I've never written it down. Many times I've gotten distracted and made random purchases that don't really make much tennis fashion sense. In light of this, I've decided that it would be best to stick to a list.

I searched the internet for some things that I'd love to add to the wardrobe and posted them below for all to see. You may notice that the list is heavily weighted with Adidas attire, and that has a lot to do with my love affair with Adidas tennis attire. I never really identified with it, but the Run-DMC song, "My Adidas," now actually has some relevance in my life.

Here are my "Next Top Models"

1. Wilson nCode N6 Racquet

2. Adidas ClimaCool Divine 2 Court Shoes

3. Bolle Swiftkick Polarized Sunglasses

4. Adidas Edge Warm Up Top

5. Adidas Response Court Warm Up Top & Pants

6. Adidas Beanie

7. Adidas No Show Socks

8. Stella McCarthy for Adidas Tennis Track Pants

1 comment:

CG said...

Great job with this post! You are getting the hang of how it's done!!